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My story

I always liked simple, comfortable clothes without unnecessary "decorations", but they were always hard to find. And I also always liked nice color combinations, which were even harder to find. Thanks to dance, which has become an integral part of my life, I got to know the Brazilian culture and was captivated in all aspects. Brazilian dances are a huge passion of mine and I also fell in love with Brazilian clothes. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find similar clothes, nor the fabrics themselves, in our region or in other European countries. So one day I decided to do some googling and came across a beautiful fabric store in the center of Rio de Janeiro. I managed to establish cooperation and after the initial difficulties with the language barrier, complicated transport and customs clearance, the package arrived and made me very happy, the fabrics are amazing and beautiful. And so I returned to my hobby from my youth - sewing, bought all the necessary machines and now sew not only for my own pleasure... :-)

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